Washington jeweler Ann Hand sells Obama necklaces, watches, cuff links, and coffee mugs.
By Emily Leamon
If voting wasn’t enough, now you can show your love for Barack Obama with a bit of bling. Washington jewelry designer Ann Hand has created a Barack Obama collection to commemorate the historic inauguration. For $95, you can score a glitzy silver necklace featuring Obama’s name written in 84 Swarovski crystals. Bling not your bag? Hand also has Obama watches, sunglasses, cuff links, dog tags, and pins. Her favorite item is a blue Obama 2008 travel mug with six rows of rhinestones for $25 .
A limited-edition inaugural pin, priced at $75, is the centerpiece of the collection. It features the presidential seal above Obama’s name, which is flanked by two c
rystals. For $3,800, you can special-order an 18-karat-gold version and swap out the crystals for diamonds. Both come inscribed with the Ann Hand logo and the date of the inauguration, January 20, 2009. Hand, who has made only 2,500 inaugural pins, received more than 1,000 orders within the first week of advertising them in her store and on her Web site. “I didn’t realize they’d be so popular,” she says. Hand’s dog tags, priced at
$45, come in gold or silver tones and a choice of inscriptions. One reads: “This is our Moment / This is our Time,” and another says, “I WAS THERE”—meant for attendees of the swearing-in ceremony on January 20. Items range in price from the $25 mug to a $175 pair of sunglasses, which have several rows of Swarovski crystals on the temples. The crystals create an outline for the letters OBAMA. “We’re trying to keep prices as low as we can, with the economy,” Hand says. “We want this line to be available to as many people as possible.”
A limited-edition inaugural pin, priced at $75, is the centerpiece of the collection. It features the presidential seal above Obama’s name, which is flanked by two c