By Betsy Rothstein
November 24, 2008 - What’s a little bling among political friends?
Ann Hand, who designed the official pin worn by spouses of congressional lawmakers and owns two jewelry salons in Georgetown, is set to roll out a line of inaugural Obama jewelry the second week of December — we’re talking dog tags, pins, necklaces and rhinestone sunglasses. Not the cheap, trashy kind — tasteful silver- and gold-filled pieces you can wear to an inaugural ball or upscale party. Prices range from $75 to $175. One of the dog tags reads, “This is our moment. This is our time.” Another says more simply, “I was there.”
Hand said she had a strong feeling Obama would win, so she had jewelry ideas in the works for a while. “It was just in my gut that he would win,” said Hand, who won’t name them, but has had requests for Obama jewels from Hollywood actors and others as far away as Singapore, Norway and Japan. “I am elated he has won.”
To order the jewels, call 202-333-2979.